Philippine Best Training System Colleges
- School
- College
- P: rizal
- C/M: binangonan
- manila east road, binangonan, 1940, rizal,
Average Tuition Fee
Lowest Tuition Fee
NCR Ranking
Highest Tuition Fee
PH Ranking
Philippine Best Training System Colleges is a private college located at Binangonan, Rizal. PBTS offers Bachelor Courses in Education, Business, Tourism and Computer Programming.
Bachelors Degree
- Course: Associate in Computer Science
- Major: Computer Programming Computer Technology E-Learning and Customized Operation Systems Web Designing Development
- Degree Type: Bachelors Degree
- Course Duration: TBA
- Learning Mode: On-Site
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
- Course: Associate in Hotel Management
- Major: Bread and Pastries Cake and Decorative Delicacies Catering Culinary Arts Events Management
- Degree Type: Bachelors Degree
- Course Duration: TBA
- Learning Mode: On-Site
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
- Course: BS in Business Administration
- Major: Business Economics Financial Management Human Resource Development Management Marketing Management Operations Management
- Degree Type: Bachelors Degree
- Course Duration: TBA
- Learning Mode: On-Site
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 8,000-10,000 |P 16,000-20,000 per year Last updated: February 2017 1. Tuition for bachelor's programs are for the 1st year. 2. Based on cash payments (installment rates are higher). 3. Tuition for foreign students is usually higher. 4. May
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
- Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education
- Major: Biology Chemistry English Filipino History Mathematics Physics Social Studies Technology and Livelihood Education
- Degree Type: Bachelors Degree
- Course Duration: TBA
- Learning Mode: On-Site
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 8,000-10,000 |P 16,000-20,000 per year Last updated: February 2017 1. Tuition for bachelor's programs are for the 1st year. 2. Based on cash payments (installment rates are higher). 3. Tuition for foreign students is usually higher. 4. May
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: 0
- Failure rate: 100
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
Bachelor of Elementary Education Bachelor of Secondary Education BS in Early Childhood Education BS in Special Education BS in Hotel and Restaurant Management BS in Business Administration BS in Entrepreneurial Management BS in Entrepreneurship BS in Information Technology
Associate in Hotel Management Associate in Tourism Bartending NC II Baking and Pastry Production NC II Commercial Cooking NC II Food And Beverage Services NC II Housekeeping NC II Bookkeeping NC III Associate in Computer Science Computer Programming NC IV Hilot (Wellness Massage) NC II Massage Therapy NC II Computer Hardware Servicing NC II