Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
- School
- University
- P: quezon
- C/M: lucena city (capital)
- manuel s. enverga university foundation, enverga blvd, ibabang dupay, lucena, 4301 quezon province
Average Tuition Fee
Lowest Tuition Fee
NCR Ranking
Highest Tuition Fee
PH Ranking
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation (MSEUF) is a private, non-sectarian university based in Lucena City, Quezon Province. Established as Luzonian Colleges in 1947 by Dr. Manuel Sarmiento Enverga, it aimed to give the needy yet deserving students, access to higher education. MSEUF has campuses in Candelaria, Catanauan, Sampaloc, and San Antonio. All of which are also located in Quezon Province. Aiming to be a competitive university globally, it operates a “three-fold function” interconnected to each other-–instruction, research, and community service.
MSEUF offers basic and tertiary education programs. Offerings include undergraduate courses in the fields of Architecture, Fine Arts, Maritime Education, Business, Accountancy, Computer Studies, Education, Criminology, and Law. Its Senior High School program, on the other hand, features the Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL), Arts and Design, and Sports Tracks.
Over the years, the Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation has received accreditations from various educational agencies. The Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) has granted the university with an autonomous status. Various MSEUF programs are also accredited by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA) such as its Business Administration and Education programs that have a Level IV status. It has also received an ISO 9001:2008 Certification for its Maritime Education program.
Bachelors Degree
- Course: BS in Business Administration
- Major: Entreprenuership Financial Management Human Resource Development Management Management Accounting Management Information System Marketing Management Office Administration Office Management Operations Management Public Administration
- Degree Type: Bachelors Degree
- Course Duration: TBA
- Learning Mode: On-Site
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 22,000-25,000 |P 44,000-50,000 per year Last updated: November 2018 1. Tuition for bachelor's programs are for the 1st year. 2. Based on cash payments (installment rates are higher). 3. Tuition for foreign students is usually higher. 4. Ma
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
- Course: Bachelor of Elementary Education
- Major: Pre-School Education
- Degree Type: Bachelors Degree
- Course Duration: TBA
- Learning Mode: On-Site
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 22,000-25,000 |P 44,000-50,000 per year Last updated: November 2018 1. Tuition for bachelor's programs are for the 1st year. 2. Based on cash payments (installment rates are higher). 3. Tuition for foreign students is usually higher. 4. Ma
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: 42
- Failure rate: 58
- Metro rank: 63
- PH rank: 529
- Course: Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Major: Advertising Arts
- Degree Type: Bachelors Degree
- Course Duration: TBA
- Learning Mode: On-Site
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 22,000-25,000 |P 44,000-50,000 per year Last updated: November 2018 1. Tuition for bachelor's programs are for the 1st year. 2. Based on cash payments (installment rates are higher). 3. Tuition for foreign students is usually higher. 4. Ma
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
- Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education
- Major: Biology English Filipino Mathematics Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health
- Degree Type: Bachelors Degree
- Course Duration: TBA
- Learning Mode: On-Site
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 22,000-25,000 |P 44,000-50,000 per year Last updated: November 2018 1. Tuition for bachelor's programs are for the 1st year. 2. Based on cash payments (installment rates are higher). 3. Tuition for foreign students is usually higher. 4. Ma
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: 65
- Failure rate: 35
- Metro rank: 54
- PH rank: 330
Doctorate Degree
- Course: Doctor of Education
- Major: Educational Management
- Degree Type: Doctorate Degree
- Course Duration: TBA
- Learning Mode: On-Site
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
Master Degree
- Course: MA in Education
- Major: Cultural Education Educational Management English Filipino Guidance and Counseling Library and Information Science Mathematics Physical Education Science
- Degree Type: Master Degree
- Course Duration: TBA
- Learning Mode: On-Site
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 8,900-20,500 |P 17,500-41,000 per year Last updated: November 2018 1. Based on cash payments (installment rates are higher). 2. Tuition for foreign students is usually higher. 3. May not include all fees, and can change at any time.
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
- Course: MA in Teaching
- Major: Cultural Education Educational Management English Filipino Guidance and Counseling Library and Information Science Mathematics Physical Education Science
- Degree Type: Master Degree
- Course Duration: TBA
- Learning Mode: On-Site
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 8,900-20,500 |P 17,500-41,000 per year Last updated: November 2018 1. Based on cash payments (installment rates are higher). 2. Tuition for foreign students is usually higher. 3. May not include all fees, and can change at any time.
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
- Course: Master in Management
- Major: Applied Marketing Management Engineering
- Degree Type: Master Degree
- Course Duration: TBA
- Learning Mode: On-Site
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 8,900-20,500 |P 17,500-41,000 per year Last updated: November 2018 1. Based on cash payments (installment rates are higher). 2. Tuition for foreign students is usually higher. 3. May not include all fees, and can change at any time.
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
Bachelor of Elementary Education Bachelor of Secondary Education BS in Secondary Education (Straight) BS in Accountancy BS in Business Administration BS in Hotel and Restaurant Management BS in Tourism Management BS in Civil Engineering BS in Computer Engineering BS in Electrical Engineering BS in Electronics Engineering BS in Geodetic Engineering BS in Industrial Engineering BS in Marine Engineering BS in Mechanical Engineering Bachelor of Library and Information Science BS in Public Administration BSBA in Public Administration BS in Biology BS in Environmental Science BS in Criminology BS in Psychology BS in Computer Engineering BS in Computer Science BS in Entertainment and Multimedia Computing BS in Information Technology Bachelor of Fine Arts BS in Marine Engineering BS in Marine Transportation BS in Medical Technology BS in Nursing BS in Architecture
MA in Education MA in Teaching Master in Management major in Hospitality Management Master in Management major in Human Resource Management Master in Management Master in Business Administration Master in Management major in Engineering Management MAEd in Library and Information Science Master in Public Administration MS in Criminal Justice MS in Criminal Justice with Specialization in Criminology Doctor of Education Doctor of Management PhD in English
Teacher Education Certificate Program Events Management NC III Associate in Hotel & Restaurant Management Bartending NC II Bread and Pastry Production NC II Cookery NC II Food And Beverage Services NC II Front Office Services NC II Housekeeping NC II Housekeeping NC III Travel Services NC II Associate in Computer Technology Automotive Servicing NC II Computer Systems Servicing NC II Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing NC II Local and Guidance Services NC II