Cebu Technological University - Argao Campus
- School
- University
- P: cebu
- C/M: argao
- isidro kintanar st, argao, 6021 cebu
Average Tuition Fee
Lowest Tuition Fee
NCR Ranking
Highest Tuition Fee
PH Ranking
Cebu Technological University – Argao Campus is one of the campuses under the Cebu Technological University (CTU) system. Originally, the campus was an extension of the Cebu Provincial High School which started its operation in 1945; it was then established as the Cebu South Provincial High School. It became a national high school in 1961 and became the Cebu South Agro-Industrial School in 1966. Together with eight other campuses, the school was formally integrated into the Cebu State College of Science and Technology (CSCST) system in 1984 as the CSCST-Agro-Industrial and Forestry College.
CTU-Argao currently offers various undergraduate courses in Teacher Education, Liberal Arts, Industrial Technology, Agriculture, Forestry, Hospitality Management, and Information Technology. Additionally, it has a Graduate School department with programs in Education, Public Administration, and Technology Management. Non-education graduates can also take their Diploma/Certificate in Professional Education on campus. Besides these programs, the Argao Campus also provides Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) strands for Senior High School (SHS) students.
CTU-Argao Campus prides itself of its professional and technical education. Most of its programs have accreditations from the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines, Inc. (AACCUP), with its Elementary and Secondary Education having Level III Accreditation status. Furthermore, it has been a top performing school for four times in the previous Board Licensure Examinations for Professional Teachers.
Bachelors Degree
- Course: BS in Industrial Technology
- Major: Automotive Technology Computer Technology Drafting Electronics Technology Garments Technology
- Degree Type: Bachelors Degree
- Course Duration: TBA
- Learning Mode: On-Site
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 7,000-9,000 |P 14,000-18,000 per year Last updated: July 2019 Note: This school is included in the Free Tuition Law 1. Tuition for bachelor's programs are for the 1st year. 2. Based on cash payments (installment ra
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
Certificate/Short Course
- Course: Certificate in Industrial Technology
- Major: Automotive Technology Computer Technology Drafting Technology Electronics Technology Garments Technology
- Degree Type: Certificate/Short Course
- Course Duration: TBA
- Learning Mode: On-Site
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
Master Degree
- Course: MA in Education
- Major: English Language Teaching Mathematics
- Degree Type: Master Degree
- Course Duration: TBA
- Learning Mode: On-Site
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 2,800-8,200 |P 5,600-16,500 per year Last updated: July 2019 1. Based on cash payments (installment rates are higher). 2. Tuition for foreign students is usually higher. 3. May not include all fees, and can change at any time.
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
BS in Industrial Technology Bachelor of Elementary Education Bachelor of Secondary Education BS in Agriculture BS in Forestry BS in Industrial Engineering BS in Hotel Management BS in Information and Communication Technology
MA in Education MA in Vocational Education Master in Public Administration Doctor in Development Education PhD in Technology Management
Certificate in Industrial Technology Certificate of Agriculture Science Associate in Industrial Engineering Associate in Hospitality Management