Cavite State University - Imus Campus
- School
- University
- P: cavite
- C/M: imus city
- cavite civic center, palico iv, imus city, cavite 4103
Average Tuition Fee
Lowest Tuition Fee
NCR Ranking
Highest Tuition Fee
PH Ranking
Cavite State University - Imus (CvSU - Imus) is a public university located in Imus, Cavite, recognized by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). It is one of the campuses of Cavite State University (CvSU), an educational institution that started out in 1906 as the Indang Intermediate School.
As part of the CvSU system, Cavite State University - Imus Campus offers undergraduate and graduate programs in the fields of Teacher Education, Business, Information Technology, Hospitality Management, and Public Administration. Also offered are non-degree courses in Computer Technology, Hotel and Restaurant Management, and Entrepreneurship.
Master Degree
- Course: MA in Education
- Major: Biological Science Chemistry Curriculum and Instruction Educational Management Elementary Education Guidance and Counseling Mathematics Secondary Education
- Degree Type: Master Degree
- Course Duration: TBA
- Learning Mode: On-Site
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 5,000-7,000 |P 10,000-14,000 per year Last updated: October 2018 1. Based on cash payments (installment rates are higher). 2. Tuition for foreign students is usually higher. 3. May not include all fees, and can change at any time.
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
BS Secondary Education BS in Business Management BS in Entrepreneurship BS in Office Administration BS in Computer Science BS in Information Technology BS in Hotel and Restaurant Management
MA in Education Master in Business Administration Master in Public Administration MA in Education major in Biology
Diploma in Entrepreneurship Associate in Computer Secretarial Diploma in Hotel and Restaurant Management Certificate in Computer Technician