Bernardo College
- School
- College
- P: ncr, fourth district
- C/M: city of las piÑas
- pulang lupa i, las piñas city
Average Tuition Fee
Lowest Tuition Fee
NCR Ranking
Highest Tuition Fee
PH Ranking
Bernardo College (BC) is a private educational institution in Las Piñas City. It was established in1984 as the Bernardo Foundation Institute by Dr. Marcelino Bernardo, who wanted to give tribute to his father, Don Santiago Galvez Bernardo. The institute initially offered bachelor's degree programs in the Ars and in Business Administration together with Secretarial and General Clerical courses. Due to the increase in interested students, the preschool, elementary, and high school departments were opened not long after. The school earned its college status in 1992 and was renamed Bernardo College.
At present, BC provides programs in elementary, junior high school, senior high school, and college. The SHS department offers selected strands under the Academic and the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) tracks. The college department, on the other hand, has bachelor's degree courses in Teacher Education, Business Administration, Computer Science, and Hotel and Restaurant Management. Additionally, Bernardo College is a TESDA Accredited Assessment and Training Center; currently available are courses in Bread and Pastry Production, Bookkeeping, and Domestic Works.
Bachelors Degree
- Course: BS in Business Administration
- Major: Marketing Management
- Degree Type: Bachelors Degree
- Course Duration: TBA
- Learning Mode: On-Site
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 17,000-19,000 |P 34,000-38,000 per year Last updated: May 2016 1. Tuition for bachelor's programs are for the 1st year. 2. Based on cash payments (installment rates are higher). 3. Tuition for foreign students is usually higher. 4. May not
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
- Course: BS in Business Administration
- Major: Marketing Management
- Degree Type: Bachelors Degree
- Course Duration: 4yrs
- Learning Mode: --N/A--
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 19000
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
- Course: BS in Hotel and Restaurant Management
- Major: --N/A--
- Degree Type: Bachelors Degree
- Course Duration: 4yrs
- Learning Mode: --N/A--
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 19000
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
- Course: BS in Information Technology
- Major: --N/A--
- Degree Type: Bachelors Degree
- Course Duration: 4yrs
- Learning Mode: --N/A--
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 19000
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
- Course: Bachelor of Elementary Education
- Major: --N/A--
- Degree Type: Bachelors Degree
- Course Duration: 4yrs
- Learning Mode: --N/A--
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 19000
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
- Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education
- Major: English Filipino
- Degree Type: Bachelors Degree
- Course Duration: TBA
- Learning Mode: On-Site
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 17,000-19,000 |P 34,000-38,000 per year Last updated: May 2016 1. Tuition for bachelor's programs are for the 1st year. 2. Based on cash payments (installment rates are higher). 3. Tuition for foreign students is usually higher. 4. May not
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: 37
- Failure rate: 63
- Metro rank: 119
- PH rank: 952
- Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education
- Major: English
- Degree Type: Bachelors Degree
- Course Duration: 4yrs
- Learning Mode: --N/A--
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 19000
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
- Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education
- Major: Filipino
- Degree Type: Bachelors Degree
- Course Duration: 4yrs
- Learning Mode: --N/A--
- Course Venue: --N/A--
- Tuition Fee: 19000
- Tesda Accredited: No
- Only Weekend Schedule: No
- Passing rate: --N/A--
- Failure rate: --N/A--
- Metro rank: --N/A--
- PH rank: --N/A--
BS in Business Administration BS in Computer Science BS in Hotel and Restaurant Management Bachelor of Elementary Education Bachelor of Secondary Education
Bookkeeping NC II Bread and Pastry Production NC II Domestic Works NC I